Fulfill your aspirations and develop the tools and practices necessary to attain emotional and psychological resilience, interpersonal health and wellbeing, and growth toward personal Self-Actualization.

Awaken Intuition and Self Actualize is a sequential, experiential, transformative course that will assist you in awakening your intuitive abilities and achieve personal and professional success.

Awaken Intuition and Self Actualize

In this four-module sequential course, you will be guided through a series of practices related to specific concepts that will aid you in developing the knowledge, skills, and applications for improving emotional and psychological resilience and wellbeing (Intuitive Resilience), followed by a sensitive and personalized approach to working with past trauma, pain, loss, and grief (Intuitive Healing). You will then embark on an exploration of interpersonal dynamics, focusing on participation in groups and the complexities of human interaction (Cult Fevers). In the fourth and final module, you will apply concepts from the previous three modules to establish a system and plan for your own personal and/or professional goals and development (Self-Actualize).

Awaken Intuition & Self-Actualize: Full Course Overview

Learn to apply Mindfulness for Emotional and Psychological Resilience, Develop Healing Approaches, Strengthen Interpersonal Intuition, and forge a systematic path towards Self-Actualization.

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